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The End of Angry Johnny  
by Jack Rogers's how the saga ends:

Johnny and his trigger-happy sidekick Hector kidnap Brian on his way to work and chain him to a 1963 Dodge Dart in the garage of Johnny's auto body shop in Flushing Meadow. Johnny promised to repair the car five years ago, but the owner disappeared after complaining to Hector about the delay ("He was really slime, man!" Hector told Johnny, without providing details). Brian is repeatedly beaten with a radiator hose by Hector while Johnny demands to know: "I delivered the gange, now where's my cuchie? Talk now, slime, or Hector will make a hood ornament out of your tongue!"

After three days of beatings, interrupted by Brian watching Hector and Johnny eat some messy takeout food ("Those Koreans must be putting chihuahua in this stuff, cause I can't see the meat!" comments Hector. Johnny laughs so hard he hocks an undigested lugie onto Brian's nose. Brian, who hasn't eaten in four days, briefly thinks about letting it drip into his mouth, but decides he'd rather starve).

On day four, Brian convinces Johnny to let him demo the eBookstore on the laptop he was carrying to work (which Hector has been using as a place mat). Brian tells Johnny he can build him a website that will let him sell drugs online, maintaining his customer database with up-to-date user stats. Johnny is impressed, but demands to know if Brian can make some "kick-ass graphics." Brian says he will need to purchase the new Adobe Photoshop software to do justice to the impressive subject matter. Johnny orders Hector to escort Brian to the CompUSA store on Queens Blvd.

On the way to the store, Brian smashes Hector over the head with his laptop and escapes by diving into a cab. He leaves the laptop behind. When he submits his expense report, the accounting department at KAP says he has to get a receipt for the laptop from Johnny's shop.


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